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Sara S


Sara S
Last Active
Full Member


  • hi mary i agree with shnoda its very vital to go to a priest he took the fatherhood from God the best father so please go toa priest and start repenting and you will experience a life full of hapiness , success and maybe failure but then he'll tell…
  • no prob sandra any time God bless you
  • hi sandra, It may be difficult to try and understand and imagine that Jesus can give the his blood and flesh and yet he did not get curcified .But sandra there are many things we may find diffiiclut to understand if we try we'll end up not believin…
  • Hi 1cross3nails4given I have been through what you are saying , i know ,its very difficult to leave them especially if they're very close to you but if they shall bring you away from God then believe me they can never be your friends!The devil is …
  • I dont' believe in lucks ,God is iur saviour and keeps care of us ,he is the one that created this world and therefore he is the one who rules it ."Alah dabet al kol" therefore the church doesn't believe in luck and superstitions.
  • if you start thinking about him (i mean the boy) say Ohebak ya ra ya kowety
  • Feelings are something beautiful ,imagine a world with no feelings , it would be very miserable and difficult.As much as it is beautiful it can be very hurtful .You know i sometimes feel that the only one who actually loves me is God , for he is th…